Monday, November 25, 2013


Sometimes I forget why I live in Fairbanks, Alaska. Like when there is a winter storm and the power is out for 5 whole days. Or when my car won't start because it's 40 (F and C) below. Or when I grab my keys in the car with a wet hand and they get stuck to my fingers. Or when it's too cold to take the dog out for a walk and she starts bouncing off the walls. And then I start bouncing off the walls. Today I was reminded why I live here when someone posted a beautiful winter photo of this town. So I thought I'd share some more beautiful winter photos with you all. I cannot take credit for any of them, but I can share in the pride of living where they are taken. 

1 comment:

Cecilie said...

Hi everyone. Several people have asked me how they comment on my blog. Click the "Comment"link here :)