Thursday, November 14, 2013

We are in the eye of the storm

We are in the middle of a winter storm in Fairbanks. Winds are blowing 70 m/hr which is very unusual for this little valley in the Interior. It has rained all night and stayed just above freezing so all the snow is now hard packed ice. And now it's snowing again. Oh and did I mention that 14.000 people have been without electricity since 9 pm last night including us? Yep, I met a friend this morning who is driving around with her houseplants in the car, because her house is too cold for them. We are lucky because we have a wood stove and LOTS of candles. I have not dared to open the freezer.

The university has its own power plant so I have decided to venture out to the office where I am currently writing this blog. All classes have just been cancelled for the rest of the day and everyone are advised to stay home. However we are several people who did not feel like staying home in our dark, cold houses. So here we are. 

Trees have fallen. None on our land, but the neighbors have a huge spruce lying across their yard - right between their house and their shed. 

Exciting day. I hope the power comes back soon. I am not ready to live without it. 

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