Thursday, January 2, 2014

Godt Nytaar alle sammen!

Happy New Year!!
2014 has been lovely so far. I have not done much yet. Watched some movies. Eaten some good food. AND today I have started writing my thesis. I already have many, many unfiltered pages of notes and beginning chapters. But today I started sorting through it all. It's the beginning of the end, which I am thankful for.
I went skiing on New Years Eve's day. The house I am currently house-sitting is located just off the university trails and I have direct access to groomed trails from the house.
Later I went and had dinner with friends in Ester. I was in charge of salads and dessert for the evening festivities and I made a traditional Danish Kransekage. It was a hit. We brought the leftovers of the cake to the bar where hungry drunks soon devoured it. In between preparing dinner and celebrating the New Year I managed to help a friend look for a lost dog - we brought Delta out hoping she would be of use. She was not. Instead she just sat down and looked at us puzzled as we stood looking expectantly at her. The dog - a pit-bull mix named Finna is still missing.
The dinner party also managed to do a little sledding before going to the bar. Trotting up steep roads and sledding down. Repeat. It is awesome. Safe to say I was more soar from all this exercise than I was hungover come January 1st.

I am thinking about starting a new blog. A blog that is less about traveling and more about dwelling. Because at this point that is what I am doing here in Fairbanks. It will be less about contrasts between Denmark and Alaska and more about everyday activities, creative hobbies, the amazingly interesting people in this town and local music. I will keep you posted on the process of this new blog. Until then it might be a bit more quiet than usual in here.

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