Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break on the Road

Spring Break has come and gone. I went on a roadtrip with my friend Erin to Anchorage for the week. The weather was beautiful and the roads were almost clear of ice, which was much appreciated on the 6 hour drive down. I stayed two days in Palmer where winds were blowing 65 miles pr. hours (100 km), but the thrift store was amazingly cheap. The Anchorage thrift stores were less cheap, but the weather warm. We spend 3 days at the Annual Alaska Anthropological Association Meeting, which turned out to be 95% archeology and of absolutely no interest to me. Here in Alaska anthropology has four fields: cultural anthropology, archeology, biological anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. We are all part of the same department and sometimes have classes together. This is very different from Denmark, where I honestly don't even know where the archeology deparment would be and doubt that we have something called biological anthropology. I enjoy learning about the other subfields, but a whole conference of it was a bit too much, so I made sure to spend my time on other things too while in the "Big City". I especially spend my time and money eating food, that I can't get in Fairbanks. It's not that we don't have good food here, but the options are limited and as a vegetarian I have been through most of them by now. 
March also brought my 27th birthday around. Last year I left my "early 20s" behind, which I thought was somewhat a milestone. 27 however did not signify any such milestones and I am enjoying getting older (and wiser?).
I am adding some more photos from my trip to the photo-page, so be sure to check those out. This one is from just south of Hatcher's Pass, near Palmer. I had just gulped down a protein drink and had a really hard time keeping up with Erin as my stomach was rumbling like crazy, protesting the drink. Taught me a lesson...

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